Taking care of your mind, body and soul.
We are offering
Bach Flowers Consultation sessions for emotional support for children of all ages, teenagers and the whole family.
We would love to introduce you to this Natural Remedies System, which is gentle and effective preventive tool for managing stress, emotional wellness and overall healthy development.
We invite you to explore the potential of the flowers essence that resonates with your inner voice and harmonizes those out of tune notes- the pattern of emotional states, such as fear, anger, jealousy, nervousness, insecurity, solitude, hopelessness and despair, over-sensitivity, lack of confidence, lack of interest and focus etc. When these powerful emotions take over your will, dominate your existence and inhibit the expression of your desires and potential, is your time to give a try to the Bach Flower Remedies. Thousands of people all over the world, in the last century have experienced gentle, though powerful and positive changes in their attitude toward events of life. https://www.bachcentre.com/en/remedies/
Don’t hesitate to dedicate a very special time for you, for your children, in a cozy and safe space, where you can relax, share your concerns, be embraced as you are, be heard and guided in the process of finding your personalized floral elixir.
In addition, you can schedule an appointment to enjoy the multiple benefits of
Foot Reflexology treatments
any time you experience general tiredness and need to boost your energies, when you need to decrease stress levels, experience profound relaxation and restore.
If you ever received such treatment you might find it painful, so less of a relaxing moment. Those trigger points are in fact indicators of inner organic or emotional unbalances, that after initial stimulation the discomfort vanishes, and the vital life force is reset.
The Reflexology had been used for centuries in the eastern and western world as prevention and to maintain well-being and good health. Along traditional medicine, It reveals as a very efficient complementary system in case of many health conditions;
poor circulation, weak digestive function, constipation, IBS, sinusitis, anxiety etc, can significantly improve when Reflexology is properly and regularly applied.
“Every human being is unique in that he has a personality of his very own, he is not just a unit, or number, or part of a great machine. Every single individual has a life to live, a work to do, a glorious personality, a wonderful individuality and if he can hold this, ‘to his own self be true’ then disease cannot inflict itself upon him.”
- Dr. Edward Bach