The Remedies
Discover the healing power of Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies System was founded nearly one hundred years ago in England between 1920 and 1935 by Dr. Edward Bach, a well-known physician, pathologist, bacteriologist, and immunologist.
Dr. Bach was dissatisfied with the classical approach to medicine that focused exclusively on treating physical symptoms, which only provided temporary relief. He understood that deep emotional suffering was often the root cause of disease.
While working at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, Dr. Bach drew inspiration from the method of Homeopathy that prescribes remedies based on both the patient's physical symptoms and his mental and emotional state. This confirmed Bach’s belief that mental attitude is a crucial factor in the healing process and in the development of illnesses of different natures. He identified seven groups of intestinal flora and prepared seven bacterial nosodes (homeopathic oral vaccines), which had excellent results. However, he was still unhappy with the concept of introducing the pathogen back into the body, so he gave up the medical profession and dedicated the rest of his life to discovering the most simple and pure remedy "for the soul" found in nature among wildflowers and trees.
He identified 38 different flower essences. Each one corresponds to a different emotional state and personality type.
Since its founding, the Bach Flower Remedies healing system has spread worldwide and its benefits have been experienced by people with a large range of ailments.

“This System is the most perfect which has been given to mankind. It has the power to cure disease, and, in its simplicity, it may be used in the household. No science, no knowledge is necessary, and they who will obtain the greatest benefit, will be those who keep it pure as it is; free from science, free from theories, for everything in Nature is simple.”
- Dr. Edward Bach
Dr. Bach chose the last and most aerial part of the plant, the flower, which contains the embryo seeds: the full potential of its life force. The early morning dew was a great inspiration to him on how to extract the flower essence. He used two simple extraction methods in three stages.
The Sun Method consists of soaking the head of the flower in pure spring water and exposing it to sunlight. For some tree flowers, the extraction of the essence involves The Boiling method. By doing this, the essence of the qualities of the plant itself is transferred into and carried by the water.
Next, for preservation, a proportion of 50% alcohol is added to the extracted essence. This is called “Mother Tincture.” A second dilution, called the “Stock Bottle,” is prepared with just two drops of the Mother Tincture in 20ml of brandy.
When preparing the Treatment Bottle, we use two drops from the Stock Bottle diluted in pure water, leaving almost no traces of alcohol.
For children or those who wish to strictly avoid consuming alcohol, a topical application can be recommended. Stock Bottles can also be also made using a glycerin solution instead of alcohol.

“The mind being the most delicate and sensitive part of the body, shows the onset and the course of disease much more definitely than the body, so that the outlook of mind is chosen as the guide as to which remedies are necessary.”
- Dr. Edward Bach
Personalized : This is a form of natural medicine that holistically treats the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease. Two people suffering from the same illness may need different remedies based on their emotional responses.
No Placebo: Empirical evidence has shown that the remedies work on subjects that can’t be influenced, such as small children, animals, and plants.
Gentle Action: The aim is not to suppress the negative emotion, but rather to help manage it in a new and constructive way to promote the opposite positive virtue. It is a gradual process of melting pattern layers.
Frequency: The remedies work through frequency, not quantity. Taking the remedies as frequently as a minimum of four times daily ensures that the flower essence’s message is delivered and integrated into the psyche.
Resonance: It’s a vibrational medicine, the remedies don’t contain active principles. They act as catalysts that maintain the quality but, in order to complete their function, need a substrate: the negative emotion. If some of the remedy is not right or needed, it will not make an impact.
The remedies can help quickly with acute manifestation by clearing passing moods. When used long-term, they can correct unwanted personality traits and chronic negative patterns that are obstacles to succeeding in life and being your happiest, most fulfilled self.

“Behind all disease lie our fears, our anxieties, our greed, our likes and dislikes. Let us seek these out and heal them, and with the healing of them, will go the disease from which we suffer.”
- Dr. Edward Bach
Emotions and feelings are a natural part of life. However, when a person gets stuck in a negative emotional pattern, it can lead to chronic stress that manifests physically.
These remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive, and have no risk of side effects or overdosing, making them safe to use as complementary therapy in conjunction with any other treatment.
Give it a chance! It’s worth trying because it is the safest, simplest, and most gentle preventive method while still making a huge improvement to your well-being.
The remedies can help you:
Promote calmness and a state of relaxation
Gain the courage to overcome your fears
Heal from trauma and despair
Sharpen your focus and build mindfulness and self-confidence
Improve interpersonal relationships
While the Bach Flower Remedies system is a self-serve method because you can buy the remedies over the counter, receiving the full benefits of the remedies can require deeper insight that only a trained BFRP can provide.
A Bach Flower Remedies Practitioner (BFRP) can explain the nuances that differentiate the remedies and help you select the right one for your individual circumstances.
A properly trained BFRP will objectively assess the patterns that lead to your difficulties and work with you to develop healthy practices and encourage your innate virtues that will help resolve these issues. Understanding the reason why a certain remedy is chosen for you is a fundamental element of the healing process, and a BFRP will help guide you through this process so you can receive all the benefits to their fullest extent.