The Remedies

For Fear

Aspen is for unknown fear, anxiety, apprehension,

Cherry plum is for fear of losing control, being violent.

Mimulus is for fear of known, concrete things, shyness.

Red Chestnut is for over-caring and worrying for loved ones.

Rock Rose is for panic and terror.

For Uncertainty

Cerato is for easily led, lack of trust in our inner voice

Gentian is for discouragement after a setback, pessimism

Gorse is for lost of hope and enthusiasm before trying all possible solutions

Hornbeam is for mental tiredness, feeling weary, procrastination

Scleranthus is for indecision between two alternatives

Wild oat is for lack of direction in life, feeling unfulfilled

For Loneliness

Heather is for self- center chatter, self-concern’s, need of company, audience

Impatiens is for impatience, irritability, rush

Water Violet is for self-reliance, reserved, aloof and lonely personality

For Disinterest in Present Circumstances

Chestnut bud is for inability to learn from experience, repeating same mistakes

Clematis is for daydreaming, absent-mind, not bringing to realisation ideas

Honeysuckle is for living in the past, nostalgia

Mustard is for moodiness, sudden gloom for unknown reason

Olive is for exhaustion after mental and physical prolongated effort

Wild Rose is for apathy, resignation, drifting in life

White Chestnut is for constant mental arguments, unwanted repetitive thoughts

For Over Sensitivity to Influences of Others

Agrimony is for hidden worries, inner torture behind cheerful mask

Centaury is for weak, submissive personality who can’t say “no”

Holly is for strong emotions such as anger, hate, envy, jealousy, revenge

Walnut is for difficulty to adapt to changes, protection from unwanted influences

For Despondency and Despair

Crab Apple is for self- disgust, feeling dirty or unattractive.

Elm is for being overwhelmed by too many responsibilities

Larch is for low self-esteem, lack of confidence.

Oak is for persevering, working hard beyond limits

Pine is for sense of guilt, blaming one-self for one’s and other’s actions

Star of Bethlehem is for overcoming trauma, shock, grief

Sweet Chestnut is for feelings of abandonment, extreme, anguish

Willow is for self pity, resentment, blaming others for our life destiny

Over-care for Welfare of Others

Beech is for lack of tolerance, over criticism, perfectionism

Chicory is for selfish manipulative love, possessiveness, clinging

Rock Water is for self-denial, self- repression, rigidity, struggling for high standards.

Vervain is for over-enthusiasm, fanaticism,

Vine is for dominance, dictatorial and arrogant approach to others

Rescue Remedy is a blend of five of the 38 remedies, intended for use in emergencies.

Contains: Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatience, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem